
Dari weblog Tun Mahathir: http://test.chedet.com/che_det/2008/11/snippets-20.html#comments
1. Now we know how much has been paid out to the judges.
2. It is not bad at all. The Government must have plenty of money to give away for something that the Government says is not an admission of guilt and does not merit an apology. This generous act is unprecedented but must now be taken as a precedence. We should see more money being doled out every time a Minister feels a need to be popular with the Opposition. I wonder whether the amount of ex-gratia is based on how much the ex-de facto Minister of Justice considers would please the Bar Council.
3. The Minister informs us that the judges had been drawing full pension for the last 20 years. The highest pension is RM6,548.59 per month. Roughly this adds up to RM1,600,000 for 20 years.
4. Judges in Malaysia are paid two pensions - one at 55 years and one at 65 years. As I pointed out before one judge actually draws three pensions. Is the sum mentioned the total or just one?
5. Assuming that the highest pension is paid to the most senior of the judges, then he would have done extremely well to get RM5,000,000.00 (Five million Ringgit). He would have to draw pension for another 60 years to get RM5 million. Truly the Government is generous.
6. Were the judges sacked or suspended? I think they were sacked. The records say so. Now the Minister says "No", the judges were not sacked or suspended.
7. Why pay them compensation if they are not sacked or suspended and they did not even lose their pension rights?8. Were they allowed to continue being judges, to preside over cases brought before them? I cannot remember them doing this.9. Really the Salleh saga gets curiouser and curiouser.
Comments from the weblog readers:
1) Assalammualaikum Yg BerBahgia Tun Dr Mahathir,
I cannot belief my eyes when look at the figure. Pak Lah & Zaid must be really mad in awarding that kind of big sum ex gratia payment. Dont they know that some of the people are suffering of the goods price hike! Some even cannot bear to pay their electric bill and water bill! The half past six cabinet minister should ashamed of themselves.Proven that they are a yes man act like a dog and some even look like one.
I cannot belief my eyes when look at the figure. Pak Lah & Zaid must be really mad in awarding that kind of big sum ex gratia payment. Dont they know that some of the people are suffering of the goods price hike! Some even cannot bear to pay their electric bill and water bill! The half past six cabinet minister should ashamed of themselves.Proven that they are a yes man act like a dog and some even look like one.
2)Thank you Tun for writing on this issue..
I am very angry when someone is spending rakyat's money like their own piggy bank. Is spending the only thing they know to do when they assume that positions??? Spend here .. spend there .. like nobody business..
I don't see any serious effort by government to ease our burden.. instead talking rubbish in the paper telling us that we are going to be okay..
Of all people.. if anyone deserve a RM5 million ex-gratia .. it is you Tun.. for all your jasa to my father, to me and to my children's generation...
I believe all readers would agree with me... put this as your signature if you agree with me
I am very angry when someone is spending rakyat's money like their own piggy bank. Is spending the only thing they know to do when they assume that positions??? Spend here .. spend there .. like nobody business..
I don't see any serious effort by government to ease our burden.. instead talking rubbish in the paper telling us that we are going to be okay..
Of all people.. if anyone deserve a RM5 million ex-gratia .. it is you Tun.. for all your jasa to my father, to me and to my children's generation...
I believe all readers would agree with me... put this as your signature if you agree with me
Sorry to say even with my belacan brain I know it was the most stupid action by paying all the judges. And the funny thing the minister was trying to twist the words sacked to "early retirement" or whatever.. it's OK if he talked to kindergarten pupil. My belacan brain confirmed that act was just to show that YOU are "guilty" emm. and I wondered.. 10 millions = at least 5000 poor could have a good shelter.
What the Malay proverb said "Pandai tak boleh diikut, bodoh tak boleh diajar" is practical here..
Sorry to say even with my belacan brain I know it was the most stupid action by paying all the judges. And the funny thing the minister was trying to twist the words sacked to "early retirement" or whatever.. it's OK if he talked to kindergarten pupil. My belacan brain confirmed that act was just to show that YOU are "guilty" emm. and I wondered.. 10 millions = at least 5000 poor could have a good shelter.
What the Malay proverb said "Pandai tak boleh diikut, bodoh tak boleh diajar" is practical here..
4)Salam hormat buat Tun berdua .
Saya pun berasa pelik , janggal dan musykil . Bila dipecat , maknanya dibuang kerja ... diberhentikan daripada perkhidmatan . Secara rasional , umum pasti tahu ... sesiapa sahaja yang dikenakan hukuman ini akan kehilangan segala kelayakan sebagai kakitangan kerajaan / awam ...hatta pencen sekali pun .
Para hakim tersebut bukan dipecat melalui Lembaga Tatatertib ... mereka dipecat oleh sebuah tribunal yang mana anggotanya adalah para hakim yang lebih arif dan bijaksana . Malah kes ini merupakan kes HIGH PROFILE kerana melibatkan Ketua Hakim Negara .
Saya pun berasa pelik , janggal dan musykil . Bila dipecat , maknanya dibuang kerja ... diberhentikan daripada perkhidmatan . Secara rasional , umum pasti tahu ... sesiapa sahaja yang dikenakan hukuman ini akan kehilangan segala kelayakan sebagai kakitangan kerajaan / awam ...hatta pencen sekali pun .
Para hakim tersebut bukan dipecat melalui Lembaga Tatatertib ... mereka dipecat oleh sebuah tribunal yang mana anggotanya adalah para hakim yang lebih arif dan bijaksana . Malah kes ini merupakan kes HIGH PROFILE kerana melibatkan Ketua Hakim Negara .
Setelah 20 tahun .... Tok Zaid tetiba muncul mencadang , Tok Dollah pulak mengangguk ... bersetuju untuk korbankan sedikit wang cukai rakyat kpd para hakim yang dipecat . Atas alasan apa ? Kalau benar mereka tidak bersalah , sebagai pengamal undang2 mereka pasti arif bagaimana keadilan boleh dituntut oleh mereka dan anak cucu mereka . Saluran mahkamah boleh digunakan .
Ini ... tup tup timbul Tok Zaid ... maka mereka mendapat durian runtuh .
Cerita Tok Nazri anak Tok Aziz pulak . Sejak 20 tahu org duk canang .. para hakim itu telah DIPECAT . Macamana pulak Tok Nazri kata mereka bukan dipecat tetapi mereka berhenti awal . Wah ... pandai Tok Nazri putar alam ya . Sejak bila pulak para hakin tersebut isi form utk mohon bersara awal ? Kalau betul mereka nak bersara , takkan lah sampai tubuh tribunal utk selesaikan krisis kehakiman .
Buat Tok Zaid , Tok Nazri dan Tok Dollah ... orang semua tahu apa dah berlaku . Kalian jangan pulak nak tegakkan benang yang basah . Walau ia dah 20 tahun berlalu , Tok Det masih ada . Tok Det pasti tahu apa yang sebenarnya berlaku . Tindakan Tok Det selalunya betul , amat jarang tersalah langkah .
Namun ... RM10.5 juta dah melayang . Tok Zaid pun dah tak jadi tok dalang . Tok Dollah pun tinggal 5 purnama lagi . Tok Nazri , masih dgn tabiat lama ... mengampu tak habis2 . Dulu dia ampu Tok Det , bkn Tok Det tak tahu .
Namun ... RM10.5 juta dah melayang . Tok Zaid pun dah tak jadi tok dalang . Tok Dollah pun tinggal 5 purnama lagi . Tok Nazri , masih dgn tabiat lama ... mengampu tak habis2 . Dulu dia ampu Tok Det , bkn Tok Det tak tahu .
Tapi saya tetap kesal ... mereka ni salahgunakan amanah rakyat .
5) Salam TUN
Minggu lepas dalam beberapa akhbar disiarkan bagaimana 'jerih payah' dan 'usaha kuat' seorang gambler akhirnya membuahkan hasil apabila beliau berjaya memenangi 'jackpot' berjumlah kalau taksalah saya RM20 juta. WOW...mungkin 'rezeki' beliau.
Minggu lepas dalam beberapa akhbar disiarkan bagaimana 'jerih payah' dan 'usaha kuat' seorang gambler akhirnya membuahkan hasil apabila beliau berjaya memenangi 'jackpot' berjumlah kalau taksalah saya RM20 juta. WOW...mungkin 'rezeki' beliau.
Hari ini terpampang cerita jumlah RM yg dibayar as ex-gratia kpd mereka2 yg berkenaan. Pergh...RM10.5 juta..Bukan satu jumlah yg kecil terutamanya kepada rakyat 'marhein' spt kebanyakan kita. Bayangkan kalau RM10.5juta ini disuntikkan untuk pembangunan rakyat termiskin...Berapa banyak keluarga dan rakyat dapat kita 'selamat'kan...
Andaikata RM10.5 juta di top-up sebagai subsidi minyak, alangkah leganya kita-kita yg mengharapkan penurunan harga minyak demi menikmati harga barangan yg lebih rendah. Sayangnya, ianya bukanlah satu realiti kepada rakyat...RM10.5juta hanya untuk beberapa 'mereka-mereka' itu sahaja yg bukan sahaja dapat 'jackpot' malahan siap berpencen lagi...
Bagi saya, cerita si gambler yg menang RM20juta dan RM10.5juta ex-gratia ini hampir serupa. Yang serupanya mungkin dah 'rezeki' masing-masing but yg berbezanya si gambler ber'susah payah' berusaha dan akhirnya mendapat apa yang ingin dicapainya BUT dalam kes ex-gratia 'tanpa perlu bersusah payah' akhirnya dianugerahkan dgn sejumlah 'jackpot' oleh kerajaan HadHari yg amat pemurah ini walaupun penerima 'jackpot' berpencen... Dalam kedua-dua kes, Siapa Yg Dapat Duit Terpijak????
Senario politik negara masih dikucar-kacirkan oleh pemerintahan HadHari ni. Menjelang Mac 2009 ni macam2 perkara yg bakal terjadi. Rakyat semakin 'celik' politik, pemerintah semakin 'buta' mentadbir. Populariti dan kepentingan diri mengatasi kebajikan dan kemajuan rakyat jelata. Semoga ALLAH selamatkan Malaysia tercinta..
Just my 1cent opinion -AnakJati Kola Kedah-